Collaborative intranet
The Datacall intranet is a web application which is accessible using a username and password
- It will be accessible from the official website of your company
- It includes a powerful and highly customisable database of contacts (customers, prospects, partners, suppliers, Press …)
- It provides a database of products (and services) that can be accessed by different team members
- It has a fully shared agenda
- It provides access to a content management system allowing both the deployment of instant information to your staff and the posting of a newsletter with the name of your company
- A highly secured email system is included in the web application
- It provides a documents storage system (documents, proposals, photos …) where files can be shared between staff with access rights.
- It also offers: a “TODO LIST” functionality, a tool for Sales Management
This collaborative tool provide many benifits:
- Single common solution to all sites in your business , fully customizable in terms of content and access rights;
- Rapid deployment on all your sites
- A simple solution for managing user access rights
- Highly functional solution for non-IT professionals requiring only 2 hours of traning
- Highly secured solution ( No loss of Data )
- Low cost for your enterprise
- The tool is highly compatible with the offers of DATACALL ( Virtual phone reception, Agenda management , Response to Ads …)
- Unifying tool for your business that can structure the methods and if desired enhance the performance.